One Adventure: Surveillance in Toronto

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Hello, and welcome. This site is currently in progress, and will eventually feature content on socio-environmental action and personal-global healing.

Although I would prefer to focus on health, healing, education, organizational change, alternative energy, creative solutions, and so on, I have become preoccupied with surveillance and security issues, over these past few years. Long story. However, the more I struggled to find 'solutions' to social and environmental problems, the more I realized that one cannot realistically foster or facilitate peace, until:

a) one first finds peace within, and

b) one understands the motivations and precepts behind both war and struggles for power.

c) Personally, I've been in a highly combative and reactive state of mind and heart for some time, so I'm having to find my way back to a more balanced way of being.

Please stop by again when there's more to see and do.

People shouting at the world over megaphones; Size=240 pixels wide

What's New?

Below are updates to my web site or other news items.

11/6/04 - New photos for Album page.

Comments, suggestions, reactions?