Here's a sampling of strange messages I receive
-- never mind actual phone conversations. There's a story behind each one of these...
(There's a story that goes with each one of these - for example, when I was bleeding out an infected cut and had two bloody
kleenexes in my hand, I'd get a 'wrong number' call from somebody looking for the 'Blood Works' department of a hospital,
and so on. I have so many seemingly 'coincidental' calls that they simply cannot be chalked up to coincidence. Same for the
marketing calls below - they always corresponded with something going on in my own life.) .
(Click Audio Post to hear )
Crank Calls
Wrong Numbers
Dr. Ali? for Margaret - 3
Dr. Ali? for Margarent - 2
Dr. Ali ? for Margaret - 1
Personal Calls
Mom imperative Christie
(This is my only record of the many strange calls
I receive that correspond closely with books I'm
reading at the time. For example, I was rereading
Margaret Laurence's The Diviners when my mother
got this odd call (Feb '04). Christie is an important figure in the book. Once is strange enough, but I've had about 5-6 such
calls, all wrong numbers (except above). Either the caller's name or the subject matter were represented in a novel I was
Marketing Calls
(you name it, I've got it)
Dating Allied Network (FF>> 10 secs)
Friends & Family in India
Premier Fitness
Travel Centre (3 times)
Golf & Resort (2 times)
Sell Your House
Beeping calls (more than I can count)